Sunday, June 3, 2007

Masons graduation

Mason was so excited to graduate Kindergarten. He might actually be repeating; we aren't sure yet, because he is the youngest in his class and it wouldn't hurt to do it over again--but we did the graduation thing anyways. He was so funny cuz when we went to take pictures of him he said, "wait, wait, we have to go to the picture wall" so we are thinking that maybe they did some cute thing on the wall for the Kindergartners to get their pictures taken.....nope--it was just a wall next to the custodians closet! So I'm not sure where he got that, but we usually don't know where he comes up with his stuff. He is such a great boy, we love having him in our family and keeping us laughing! Liberty got her own shoes and I didn't see them until we got there--I guess next time I will check BEFORE we leave. :)


Tiffany said...

HAHA!! Funny kids! They always keep me laughing! ALL SEVEN OF THEM!!:)

Crystal said...

Lib's shoes couldn't have been too surprising... This chick ALWAYS has (A) her shirt on backwards, or (B) no pants. I think someday she's going to set the world on fire with new fashion trends.