Last Thursday, January 31st my husband turned the anchient age of 34! WOW! What an old guy! :) I don't even know where to start when I think about all the reasons I love this man. He truly is my very best friend and I couldn't live life without him. I know he thinks it's because I would die without someone else to clean the kitchen, but really I couldn't live without his companionship. He is my hero and my strength, I love how much he knows about the gosple and how passionate he is about the scriptures. I adore his love for our children, he is the best Dad any kid could ask for! My favorite is how my little girls have their Daddy wrapped around their finger, it ought to be interesting when they are teenagers! He is such a hard worker, and no matter how many curve balls life throws at us, I always know that somehow he makes it work. He treats me like a princess; especially when I am big and huge with a baby in my belly. At night if we are laying in bed watching TV and I ask him if he has any water his response is always, "no, but I will go get you some" and off he goes. He really spoils me way too much!! I love having babies with him, because he loves it so much and there is nothing more precious & sweet than when he is cuddled up with our new baby. Makes my heart melt! He always makes sure that I am happy and taken care of. He is the most dedicated father and husband I know and I love every minute that I get to spend with him. At 12 years old I flipped head over heals for this guy; I NEVER in a million years knew that life with him would be this great!! I love you Devin!
Your blog is so fun! I found it the other day and meant to leave a comment but didn't. I cannot believe how busy you must be with a houseful of kids, but you all look so happy and I'm sure there is never a dull moment. I saw your mom and London's run on Sat., and knew it was her because I had read about her new studio on your blog. I'm afraid I'm getting addicted to this blogging thing!
was just checking in and saw that the number above the month is about to disapear on your count down FUN!!! yea babies!
Very cute dad indeed! I've seen him in action and you are very blessed. I wish Lyle would say no, but i'll get you some. However, he does clean my kitchen. For some reason that's the room I hate to clean the most. Anyway, Happy birthday Devin.
happy birthday!
Oh so sweet! You guys are a great match!
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