Sunday, February 3, 2008

President Hinkley

Today in church there was so much talk about President Hinkley that I thought, "wow, I can't believe I didn't think to blog about his passing" So here I am, better late than never I guess. Last Sunday, January 27th, President Hinkley, our beloved prophet passed away. I havn't got to watch the broadcast of his funeral yet (we were out of town) but I guess some comment was made about how quickly the word spread due to text messaging. I had to laugh, because even though I'm not a kid, that's exactly how I found out!
It was such a shock, but I must say, my first reaction wasn't of sadness, but of happiness for him that he had gone Home to his sweet wife. He always made it known how much he loved and missed his dear companion and I can only imagine the joy that was felt when they were able to hold each other again! Devin found this quote for me from the October 2004 conference. "As I held her hand and saw mortal life drain from her fingers, I confess I was overcome. Before I married her, she had been the girl of my dreams, to use the words of a song then popular. She was my dear companion for more than two-thirds of a century, my equal before the Lord, really my superior. And now in my old age, she has again become the girl of my dreams." That is just too sweet! What an amazing man he was. I remember when he announced the goal of building 100 temples and what a HUGE deal that was, and here we are with 127 temples! That is so incredible! I think the thing I love about him the most was his love and sinciere desire for the people of this church to do good. You could always feel of his love when he addressed us. I am very greatful for his example and his love while he was on this earth; he will truly be missed!

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