Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A 6th Sense???

My twins are 28 months old, and I have just now figured out that they were born with a 6th sense! I have named it their mommy sense and this is how it works. AS SOON as I am exactly 10 feet away from them it kicks in...their brain tells them, "shes gone...GO!!" and amazingly it happens in both of their brains at the exact same time! As they bolt for the nearest thing to reap mass destruction upon, their brain is still thinking, "what next, what next, hurry, hurry" Here is an example from this morning....."she's gone, lets make a bottle with the formula using a piece of pipe AND flood the kitchen floor....check......NEXT......

"We could bust into the bathroom and flood that floor........

AND dump out all the Q-tips and get them soaking wet so they have to be thrown away....check, NEXT........

"AND even though we have done it a THOUSAND times, lets go throw all of the folded laundry on the floor in the loft...we know how much mom loves to fold 20 loads of laundry......and

we can dump that HUGE bin of clothes that mom folded to be put into storage! Check....NEXT.............

"Then, we could climb on top of the table, put a tub of cool whip on the light on the chandelier to see if it can burn a hole in the bottom of it! Oh wait, we did that last night? Hmmmmm, what next?????? It's only 12:00!!! (I don't make this stuff up people!) ;)


Amanda said...

I think I would seriously be wanting to drop them off somewhere right about.........NOW!!! You are so brave.

So, what I want to know is what was your reaction? Cause they look too happy in that photo you took of them in the storage bin!!!

I still think you are SUPERMOM!! :o)

Diane said...

:) ... sounds like a post i just did a while back of my ONE 22month old! it was a horrible morning! but i don't think she ever got in trouble for any of it...oh well!

buddyandsarahaws said...

Seriously, I dont know how you do twins. The 2 I have 21 months apart are about all I can handle. Your a much better woman than I am. :) Good thing you took pictures....On a positive note at least they play well together. Or should I say get into trouble well together.

The Richins Family said...

oh my gosh, OH MY GOSH, gosh!!!i HATE it when my kids touch my clean laundry and i totally chew them out for it everytime they touch it. like they didn't learn the last time they touched it last week? i would lock them in their rooms for quiet time. i don't know how you do it!!!

Victor and Annette said...

I love it!!!!! I should be thankful for the every other weekend tornados...I have.

Sar said...

Did you have tears? I would have had tears!!! These pictures made me laugh though, funny kids!!

As Told By Molly said...

I know exactly what you mean...well 1/2 of what you mean.

Jen Johnson said...

ok, totally happend to me -the laundry thing and I hate to do laundry. I have a five year old who still finds trouble or trouble finds him!

Jess said...

How come some moms get to have all the fun? Those 2 look like fun!! I hate folding laundry and putting it away.

Kristin said...

Oh, and I thought I had it bad...I only have one that age! Kuddos to you, but isn't it great we can laught about it??! Well, eventually we do! :)
P.S. email me

Irma said...

oh the joys of having kids that age....and then two the same age! Eeek We don't have twins, but at one point when we had six kids, on the day Jeff was home from kindergarten I had 5 kids home age 5 and least I know only have 4 home out of the nine...makes for a little sanity (-: