Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A good friend of mine had to go yesterday and tell a good friend that her 26 year old husband and father to their 3 little children had been killed. I have not been able to stop thinking about this sweet little family whose lives have been changed forever. For their 10 month old baby who will never remember its father. And for a wife who is spending her Christmas season planning a funeral. Life for so many of us seems to not turn out the way we had planned and as I reflect on this woman's pain I am forced to look at my own life and recognize the sweet blessings I have been given. It really makes me stop and think about the next time I want to complain about not having enough gas or enough milk, or anything else, and to stop and recognize the Lords tender mercies that I am blessed with every day of my life. I know people will think of this woman and think of the blessings that will come into her life because of her trial she has been given, but I reflect on the blessings that will come to so many lives, lives she will never know about because of her trial. The many people who will hold their kids a little longer and who will love their husbands a little bit more, and look over the little things in life that are of no importance and relish in their lives that they have been blessed with. My heart aches for this young family, but I hope and pray that this sweet sister will be able to feel of her Saviors love and that somehow she will know of all the lives that she, unknowingly, will touch for good.


Tiffany said...

Love your post! Except the pic! No thanks jamanda! :) However I couldn't agree more on everything you said! My heart aches for her and her kids so bad!!

Renée said...

I think of things like this often. I can't imagine my life without my husband and kids. I am with you and try to cut my complaints and insert blessings. Thoughts are with this woman as she and her children cope.

Renée said...

P.S. picture makes me feel like I walked in on something I shouldn't have hehe..:)