Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday Night Madness

At the beginning of every new year I set goals....I set many and I am not really sure if I ever accomplish any of them. Last year was to get to 100 blog posts, which didn't happen :(  So this year I put a lot of thought into what would be an obtainable goal and what would be something that would not only impact me, but my family for the better . I decided on only one goal, because when I decided on this one, I realized how much this will change not just me, but our family.......100% Family Home Evening. To some this might be no big deal at all, and sad to say I really never thought I would look back as a parent and say that I had NOT been 100% with such important things, but unfortunately my health has affected my family a lot and it breaks my heart. We have done good with all the ups and downs with me, all the stress, all the moves, the schooling etc. etc. etc., but good is not good enough for my family. They deserve the best! It can't be that hard right? Its only 52! Tonight was my 1st test of sticking to it or not, because Devin left with the boys to go do some work that could not be avoided, so I was left with a migraine and 5 kids under the age of 8, which I normally would have said, "I'll just do it tomorrow night when Devins here to help" (guess how many times that actually has worked guessed it, a big fat NONE!) But I did it, and somehow singing time and my lesson on being happy and doing things to make others happy turned into this video of Ryker which is pretty funny actually.
So here's to a year full of family memories, togetherness, teaching moments and the Spirit of the Lord filling the walls of my home and bringing our family closer together ;)
1 down, 51 to go
(share with me some of your most successful FHE)


runningfan said...

A worthy goal indeed! Good luck!

linznkidz said...

i dont think you could have picked a better goal :) you and youre fam deserve the best!! i think once you get a few more mon nights under your belt you will be LOVIN your goal!!! i actually look forward to mon nights as my fav time!! i know it is the one night we dont have to rush through anything and we can just enjoy being home all together and dont have anything else scheduled!! plus...when youre kids do the lesson or prayer or game or answer questions....its just hillarious!!! love you!!