Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pictures from Moms Birthday Bash

I did this wrong, so sorry it's in the wrong spot. These are from our Birthday Bash we had at Mike & Tiffanys for my Moms Birthday. It was me & Ambers first time playing guitar hero and I must say I am totally hooked!! I can't wait for my taxes to get here so I can go buy it!!! Happy Birthday Mom!

1 comment:

Amber and Co. said...

Well, you gotta come over to my house cause Burke bought it for me! LOL! I was laughing so hard when it came in the mail. He said he found a great deal on one and was going to save it for me for my birthday. But, it arrived in the mail unwrapped, not even in a different package, so I knew what it was. So, I get it now! Rock on!