Friday, February 12, 2010


I got to the hospital at 8:15 this morning and they actually let me in early. I was immediately upset because the dumb jerk Supervisor, who yesterday told me that YES they would wait for me to get here before they tried waking Devin again.....he went ahead and did it anyways. What is wrong with these people?? Do not tell me your going to do something just to appease me for the moment! I would much rather you tell me up front NO then lie to me! GEEZZZ!!!!! It went exactly like the time before....he had to be knocked back out, again. So around 10:00 the lung Dr came in and said that she wanted to wake him up but this time leave all the pain meds on, unlike the last two times. WHAT!?!?!?! Yes, you heard correctly! The other two times they woke him up, AFTER they turned off all his pain meds. I'm not in the medical profession but that doesn't make much sense to me. Of course he is going to be thrashing around in tremendous pain!! Well, it went perfect, imagine that! He was calm, even though he absolutely hated the tube in his throat and kept mouthing "please take it out" to me. They had to watch him breathe on his own for about 10-15 min, which felt like an hour! He remained calm and they made the decision to take out the tube. He immediately starting softly talking to us and cracking jokes. He asked all the questions I thought he would; are the kids ok, how long have I been asleep, what did they do to me. He seemed to take all the answers really well (except the feeding tube....yikes!). He did great for about an hour then the pain hit really bad. He was so miserable and couldn't be still and his breathing was getting more and more shallow. So after about an hour they changed his meds to something different and gave him a button he could push every 10 min for a little boost of the meds. He still wasn't doing any better and kept complaining about how much pain he was in. They made me leave at 1:00 and assured me he would be fine. (did I mention how much I HATE visiting hours?!) When I came back at 4:00 he was resting comfortably and the nurse filled me in. She had to up the medication a little and added Valium to help him calm down. Thank goodness! He was actually resting peacefully! It's been a super long day and I feel bad that he is in so much pain, but I am so happy to see him and know that he is awake.

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