Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Keep on movin along

Afew frustrations today. Oh, but 1st I just realized that I didn't post yesterday that he is OUT of the ICU!!!! YEAH!!! No more dumb visiting hours thank goodness! I'm starting to get a little overwhelmed......sometimes we don't really realize all the things our spouses do for us until we have to be in charge of EVERYTHING! The bills, the chores, the oil in the car, school work, HIS school work and appointments, the dishwasher breaking, sink being clogged; keeping everything strait is managable but tiring! He didn't look so great today when I got to the hospital, really pale and sweaty. When I told him he felt really warm he said, "oh, yeah they said my white cell count is up so they are running some cultures on the IV's they took out yesterday to see if they find infection" Hmmmmmm, wonder if it could be from the nurses NOT wearing gloves!?!? I haven't been able to spend much time with him yesterday and today because I have several sick kids; serious coughing going on over here. As long as I don't get sick, I can handle it :)

I did get the chance to speak to someone in administration about the nurses wearing gloves, finally. She said she was glad I brought it to her attention and asked me if it would make me feel better if there was a sign at his door asking everyone to put on gloves; I said "yes thank you, that will make me feel much better!" I told her that nurses wearing gloves should be the LAST thing I should have to be worrying about right now. DUH!

Class got canceled last night so I got to spend a couple hours with Devin instead of pretending to pay attention in English. And Mason pulled out yet another of Emberlyns teeth last night. The kid is weird, this is the 4th tooth he has pulled out for her...they are seriously either the best of friends or the worst of enemies. LOL We are doing good though, hangin in there. We are SO SO SO thankful for wonderful friends, family and ward members who are taking such great care of us. Having meals brought in has been SUCH a wonderful stress reliever, I think we would eat corn dogs every night if I had to think about cooking!


Renée said...

Still thinking about you. Hope all goes well.

Jess said...

My kids had corn dogs for dinner last!!!! I'm so glad he's out of the ICU. What a relief. Praying he doesn't have an infection. Hope your kids get over those coughs quickly. They seem to last forever.