Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Crystal!

Ok, I am really behind on my posting, so I know this is late, but Happy Birthday Crystal!! Crystal is my bestest sister-in-law and even though her Birthday was on the 9th I wanted to give a little shout out a week late anyways. Me and my sisters surprised her by showing up at her work and taking her out to lunch. We had a lot of fun just yappin' and enjoying our yummy food. Here are some things that I love about Crystal:
* Her sense of style. She can put the cutest things together!!
* Her sense of humor.....she seriously cracks me up!
* I love that we watch "The Bachelor" together (ok, at our own houses, but then we get to text about it the next day!)
* I love that she is such a "gamer". Her and Jacob always have the funnest games to play!
* I love that she loves my kids. They really love her and with as many LOUD munchkins that we have running around, I am so glad she not only tolerates it, but still manages to love them! :)
* And the absolute #1 thing I love about her is that she married my brother!!
I am SO glad that Crystal is a part of our family! It is so great how well she fits it......it feels like she has always been our sister! Happy Birthday Crystal, we love you!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Awww, I love you guys so much! Lunch was fun, even though I had that chip-and-salsa-dropping incident. And you're right, Kris, I DO love your kids. I was hanging with Libbs on Sunday and she was super nice, barely sassy at all. Except for when she elbowed me in the face just to get a reaction. And when she told me she didn't like it when I said hi to her outside. :)